Start The Love Accelerator Academy TODAY!

Become An Energetic Match For Long-Lasting Love

Join The Love Accelerator Academy

For Conscious Singles

Release Your Love Blocks

Align with Your Heart

Attract Your Match

Release Your Love Blocks

Align with Your Heart

Attract Your Match

Life Is Too Beautiful To Spend Alone

Given up on your ideal relationship?

Avoiding singles you are attracted to?

Attracting unfulfilling relationships?

Burnt out on dating apps?

Frustrated by your relationship patterns?

Need a proven strategy for romance?

Then join the Love Accelerator Academy and confidently attract your soul-aligned match!

Life Is Too Beautiful To Spend Alone

Given up on your ideal relationship?

Avoiding singles you are attracted to?

Attracting unfulfilling relationships?

Burnt out on dating apps?

Frustrated by your relationship patterns?

Need a proven strategy for romance?

Then join the Love Accelerator Academy and confidently attract your soul-aligned match!

Jing C. - Financial Research Analyst

Before working with Jenna I was having a lot of insecurities about who I am, and what I was capable of in my love life.

With Jenna’s help, I was able to tap into a wealth of wisdom within me, and unleash my higher self. After working with her I felt completely at ease, confident, and I fully understood who I was.

I would highly recommend working with Jenna in any capacity, she is an amazing coach!

Jing C.

Financial Research Analyst

Before working with Jenna I was having a lot of insecurities about who I am, and what I was capable of in my love ilfe.

With Jenna’s help, I was able to tap into a wealth of wisdom within me, and unleash my higher self. After working with her I felt completely at ease, confident, and I fully understood who I was.

I would highly recommend working with Jenna in any capacity, she is an amazing coach!

You Deserve The Relationship You've Always Wanted

Take Your Power Back

Feel empowered and confident in being your true self.

Become Magically Magnetic

Experience the energic shift into effortless magnetism.

Get What You Want

Master the arts of flirtation and romantic communication.

Take Your Power Back

Feel empowered and confident in being your true self.

Become Magically Magnetic

Experience the energic shift into effortless magnetism.

Get What You Want

Master the arts of flirtation and romantic communication.


Finance Manager

After the Love Accelerator Academy, I’m happier, more confident, and I know how to go on better dates and have better relationships. Through Jenna's coaching, I have a solid idea of what kind of person and relationship I want and, more importantly, how to find it.

I have a higher vibration now and I smile more. The most amazing part is that people are responding differently to me.

Through the course of the program, I started going on second, third, and fourth dates and I can now look at myself in the mirror and remember that I have a beautiful spirit that is cherished on this Earth.

Your Love Accelerator Coaching Team

  • My mission is to transform the hearts and love lives of 300 people this year.

  • Because I understand the challenges of dating, I am passionate about coaching singles to attract their soul-aligned partners.

  • I have 19 years of experience in teaching children and adults into their greatness.

  • Certified Master Practitioner and Trainers in NLP,* Hypnosis and QTT* which are all powerful tools that work with the unconscious mind.

*NLP: Neuro-Linguistic Programming; QTT: Quantum Time Technique

Tah W. - Wellness Integration Coach

“I had some blind spots around my childhood programming. Sat actually dove in and held a safe space for me. And he didn’t let me be evasive. He was gentle and assertive. I highly recommend leaning into Sat.

My finances have expanded since working with him, my relationship with my wife has also expanded.

This guy is brilliant, wonderful, and caring. He knows NLP well and he leans in, in the way you need him to lean into you.”


Step #1: Apply Now

Only 17 Spots Available

Step #2: Attend The Love Accelerator Academy

Step #3 Attract Your Soul-Aligned Match Intentionally

What Our Clients Say About Their Results...

Steve F. - Cloud Executive at Large Tech Company

Jing C. - Financial Research Analyst


Meditation Teacher and Tech Guru

My favorite thing about the Love Accelerator has been learning more about myself, specifically making realizations about things that I've been holding on to, that have been getting in the way of my relationships.

Those things are now gone.

My confidence has gotten better and I see it through my own actions. From a third person perspective, I see myself talking to more people, more freely now.

Thank You Jenna for this amazing opportunity!


Step #1: Apply Now

Only 17 Spots Available

Step #2: Attend The Love Accelerator Academy

#3 Attract Your Soul-Aligned Match Intentionally

Stop Waiting For Love To Find You & Start A Strategy That Works

With the world changing in ways that make us feel more alone and divided than ever, our Love Accelerator Academy provides proven methods to quickly find your ideal partner and have a lasting, happy, healthy relationship.

At More Conscious Love, we know that you crave a loving, passionate, and committed relationship. In order to have that, you need to discover who you really are and what is really important to you. The problem could be that you doubt you will ever find a partner with the qualities you desire, which makes you feel frustrated, lonely and hopeless.

We believe you deserve to have a soul-aligned partner to share your beautiful life with. We understand how it feels to self-sabotage and be disappointed each time you put yourself out there, over and over again, which is why we are so passionate about helping singles manifest an ideal mate, just like Jenna and Sat did!

The process is easy - Step 1: Begin with releasing old relationship patterns; Step 2: Come into alignment with your true self; and Step 3: Attract your soul-aligned partner.

So, apply for our Love Accelerator Academy, an 8 week program that starts soon!

In the meantime, join our Conscious Connecting for Singles in Austin FB Group, stop recreating the same dead-end relationships and confidently claim your right to love.


This program isn't for everyone.

Change can be difficult and so can this Academy.

You have to REALLY BE READY to do the deep inner work…

If you’re not ready to be called out on your bullsh*t...

If you’re not ready to join a community that will ACTUALLY hold you accountable…

You should probably keep reading self-help books and venting to who ever will listen.

We're here to empower and guide you. And to do that, we'll have to TELL YOU THE TRUTH, even if it's hard for you to hear.

You get out, what you put in. If you do The Work - REALLY giving 110% - you’ll be a different person by the time you complete the Academy. We'll show you what to do, all you have to do is lean in if it gets uncomfortable and trust the process.

If you're not REALLY READY to change and to do whatever it takes, this course is NOT for you.

Bryana - Finance Manager

After the Love Accelerator Academy, I’m happier, more confident, and I know how to go on better dates and have better relationships. Through Jenna's coaching, I have a solid idea of what kind of person and relationship I want and, more importantly, how to find it.

I have a higher vibration now and I smile more. The most amazing part is that people are responding differently to me.

Through the course of the program, I started going on second, third, and fourth dates and I can now look at myself in the mirror and remember that I have a beautiful spirit that is cherished on this Earth.

What's Included In The Love Accelerator Academy?

Get personalized mentoring from our team of love gurus who can guide you toward your relationship goals. We provide two private one-on-one coaching sessions, video training, Q&A sessions, Transformation Breakthru sessions, and recording of every session to provide the ultimate support for your love life.

Get personalized mentoring from our team of love gurus who can guide you toward your relationship goals. We provide two private one-on-one coaching sessions, video training, Q&A sessions, Transformation Breakthru sessions, and recording of every session to provide the ultimate support for your love life.

Discover & Activate Your Voice

Allow the most authentic, joyful and expressive parts of yourself to shine, while also honoring boundaries!

Get Professional Coaching

Receive real-time feedback on your dating experiences, communications, and mindset.

Your Love Life Review

Begin the course with a one-on-one Love Life Insights Session to clarify your relationship goals.

Weekly Group Q&A Sessions

Receive guidance and feedback that keeps you on track and inspired to take action towards manifesting your match.

*4 Group Transformation Sessions

Identify and remove limiting beliefs that block you from attracting and deeply connecting with your ideal mate..

*For Transformation Upgrade Package

Private Facebook Group

Join our community, make friends for life, cheer each other on, and celebrate your transformations together!

Video Training & Workbook

Learn all the juicy techniques and ways of creating and maintaining your extraordinary relationship.

Your Love Life Action Plan

End the course with a one-on-one session to review your Love Life Action Plan to guide you on next steps.

Celebrate Love!

Conclude the course by celebrating with your community the transformations you've made together!

And That's Not All...


Create A Love Alter eBook

All you need to create a powerful daily love ritual that will harness the Law of Attraction in your favor.


Dating Affirmation Audio

Listen to this Affirmation Audio regularly to

rewire your unconscious mind to seek out, expect and accept lasting love!


Astrology Love Report

Get a personalized astrological report to

learn about your unique vibration,

which signs you are most compatible with.

Love Accelerator Academy Course Outline

We took the mystery out of love and turned it into a proven strategy. Reprogram your mind to align your thoughts, words and actions to open a path to your divine partner.

We took the mystery out of love and turned it into a proven strategy. Reprogram your mind to align your thoughts, speaking and action to connect with your divine partner.

Week 1:

Laying the Foundation for Success

Week 2:

Letting Go of the Past

Week 3:

Discovering Your True Self

Week 4:

Creating Your Relationship Vision

Week 5:

Being the Love Vibe You Want to Attract

Week 6:

Designing Your Love Life Game Plan

Week 7:

The Art of Flirtation & Romantic Communication

Week 8:

Relationship Fulfillment Process

Love Accelerator Academy Course Outline

We took the mystery out of love and turned it into a proven strategy. Reprogram your mind to align your thoughts, words and actions to open a path to your divine partner.

Week 1:

Laying the Foundation for Success

Week 2:

Letting Go of the Past

Week 3:

Discovering Your True Self

Week 4:

Creating Your Relationship Vision

Week 5:

Being the Love Vibe You Want to Attract

Week 6:

Designing Your Love Life Game Plan

Week 7:

The Art of Flirtation & Romantic Communication

Week 8:

Relationship Fulfillment Process

Start The Love Accelerator Academy TODAY!

© Copyright 2022 - The Love Accelerator & More Conscious Love - Div. of More Conscious Love. All Rights Reserved.